Sunday, October 15, 2017

The custodial contract was supposed to be negotiated in May.

The custodial contract is now scheduled to be negotiated at the end of November.

I hope all employees realize what is going on.

The “machine” worked hard to ensure that employee contracts were NOT settled before the November 7th election.

The “machine” is desperate.  They have no appeal.  They have no selling points.  

The “machine” needs to create a perception that they have an additional power over employees leading up to the election.  Unsettled contracts allow the machine to manipulate employees and use the teacher union to do its dirty work.

Frank Quatrone is currently on the negotiating team for teachers.  He was on the negotiating team long before I got on the Board.  The teachers did not have a settled contract last year (before any outsiders just the Board).

Independent, reform minded Board members are being scapegoated for the actions of the “machine”.  The rumors and misinformation are out of control.

Teacher union leaders cheer Mr. Quatrone at Board meetings.  They cheered when he tried to use “doctrine of necessity” to allow Board members with conflicts to negotiate his own contract(a clear violation).  They even cheered “nepotism” at one point. 

The “machine” needs to exploit employees in order to have any support during elections.  The “machine” purposely delayed contracts from being negotiated and settled.  The public has the right to know the truth.