Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Conflicts of Interest create rubber-stamps...

At tonight’s meeting, many Board members voted on an appointment without looking at resumes or backgrounds of applicants.

Whether you agree with someone’s vote or not, you hope that everyone fulfills their responsibilities.  That is not occurring. 

Board members are blindly taking orders from the Superintendent.  They all happen to have conflicts of interest that would impair their independent judgement.  Their relatives work under Mr. Quatrone or they themselves work under a Quatrone. 

At one point during the meeting, Mr. Marra said he received an email and may not be able to vote on the appointment.  He said he might have to speak to the attorney.  Mr. Quatrone took him into a room for about ten minutes.  He came out and voted “Yes” on the appointment.

There is a perception that Mr. Quatrone has too much control over the five Board members with the worst conflicts of interest.

Why wasn’t the entire Board part of the private meeting?  There never was a Resolution to go into closed session.

Lodi deserves better.  Lodi is not being represented.

I am tired of applicants being treated unfairly because of politics.

A Board of  Education should not be one dictator and five rubber-stamps.