Friday, October 20, 2017

Saturday, November 4th: when the “machine” comes marching in…

Members of the teacher union (mostly don’t live in Lodi) will besiege our town on the Saturday before the election.  This isn’t about the children.  This isn’t about education.  This is about a corrupt political machine and its “foot soldiers” trying to steal an election and then take your money. 

The union leaders take their orders from Frank Quatrone.  Anyone that has attended our meetings can attest to this.  Joe Capizzi is still pulling all the strings behind the scenes.

This is an act of desperation and it has been done before.  In 1998, two candidates were elected beating out the machine.  In 1999, Joe Capizzi had the teachers besiege the town on a Saturday before the election to maintain his control.  Capizzi got his way.  Taxes soared.  Our schools declined.

In 2016, two candidates were elected beating out the machine.  As a result, the $7.5M scam was stopped and school taxes went down.

In 2017, teachers are once again being used to besiege the town on the Saturday before the election.  Capizzi wants to get his way again.  The "machine" doesn't like when scams are derailed and school taxes are lowered.

Every time the "machine" loses a seat, the teachers are used to walk on Saturday the following year.

What will be the result if the corrupt machine gets its way?

·       Frank Quatrone’s salary will go from $192,000 to $226,000.  It will be decided by a Board where everyone has a conflict of interest.

·       Lodi will have a Board where 100% of its members have of conflicts of interest when dealing with contracts.  The “machine” wants members to negotiate and vote on their spouses’ contracts, their children’s contracts, and the contracts of all their other relatives.  This is a deliberate, thought out scheme.  It’s an attempt to rob the taxpayers.

·       The Board won’t have one member who has children in the schools or one member without conflicts of interest.

·       A structurally sound building will be demolished and replaced.  The Lodi taxpayers will be out $8M.  The money is budgeted for the project.  Commitments have been made.  The “machine” fought to keep the question off the November ballot.  Why?   The “machine” has every intention of returning to the project.  Over the summer, “machine” member Mike Nardino stated at a public meeting the $400,000 architect plans won’t go to waste and can be used in the future.

·       Union leaders will get whatever they want at the expense of the other teachers.  They will be rewarded greatly for stealing an election for the machine and maintaining complete control for Capizzi and Quatrone.

·       Undeserving and unqualified relatives of Board members will continue getting the best jobs and promotions.  They will be rewarded for maintaining complete control for Capizzi and Quatrone.

Know what to expect on Saturday, November 4th.  Inform your neighbors.  Engage Quatrone’s “foot soldiers”.  Question them.  Challenge them.  Raise these issues. 

Don’t get fooled again!