Sunday, June 18, 2017

Why did the Lodi mayor and council borrow $2M in 2012 for the Board of Education? The BOE had $8M a few years later.

The mayor and council had no business helping Licata’s corrupt board circumvent the referendum process for the turf field.

One year later in 2013, the BOE began overtaxing Lodi so they could avoid another referendum.  They over collected millions from 2013 to 2016 for their Lincoln school administration building.

When they do something wrong and get away with it, they grab for more.  They got the $2M turf without a referendum, so they went for the $8M administration building.

The Capizzis always go out of their way to take away Lodi’s right to vote. The mayor and council always go along because they work in our schools or have their family members working in our schools.

It’s sad that the department of education never provided any oversight.