Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Board President Miller used a $165/hr board attorney to review my personal blog…and LIED about it.

Blog posts reviewed by Dominic Miller and Board Attorney Anthony Sciarillo conveniently appeared in Miller’s ethics complaint against me.

Dominic Miller had no authorization to contact a board attorney to review posts from my personal blog.  Ms. Dichiara and Mr. Sciarillo are the Board's attorneys.  They are not his personal attorneys.  They are not his campaign attorneys.  He doesn't pay their bills.  The Lodi taxpayers do.

The attorney charges $165 an hour and he billed the taxpayers of Lodi at Miller's direction.

Miller only listed his name on the ethics complaint.  He did not list the name of any attorney.

Miller claimed he couldn’t answer his complaint without an attorney.  How did he write a complaint without one? 

This is a misappropriation of tax dollars.  This is a blatant abuse of power.

Miller tried to cover this up.  I asked him to forward me all emails and attachments that he sent to Mr. Sciarillo regarding an invoice about “website posts”.  Miller emailed me over the weekend providing only a “mediation” letter addressed to Trustee Mastrofilipo from Mr. Sciarillo. 

That made no sense at all.

Miller claimed he never sent any emails or attachments to Mr. Sciarillo about my blog.  I have everything in writing.

That was a lie.  My actual posts were contained in a response I received today.  They were also listed.  Here they are:

Dominic Miller is a police officer in town.  He should know better than to engage in such dishonest behavior.