Wednesday, June 14, 2017

It was very inappropriate for a union activist to be sitting on the Hasbrouck Heights BOE...

This article appeared today on

Robert Lamorte was listed as an executive committee member on the BCEA alongside Debra Kwapnieski: 

He also received some form of payments from a teacher’s union.  In the second link below, he listed income from the Wycoff Education Association to be in excess of $2,000.

Whose interests do you think he was representing while he sat on the Hasbrouck Heights board of education?

Trustees need to be objective and fair.  He obviously wasn't.

Too often, trustees are bought and paid for by the union.  Their seats belong to the union.

Students suffer.  Taxpayers suffer.

Hasbrouck Heights should have known better. 

Lodi better wake up.  This could happen to us.