Sunday, June 18, 2017

NJEA’s government shakedown…

Lodi BOE payroll shows the following disbursement to the NJEA over the past three months for “union dues”:

March 2017: $31,327.20

April 2017: $31,624.64

May 2017: $31,877.62

NJEA union dues are paid directly from district payroll.  In reality, the NJEA runs on public tax dollars.  Boards of education collect tax dollars and transfer them over to a corrupt union.     

Employees have no choice.  They are forced to pay 85% of dues even if they opt out of the association.  Taxpayers have no choice.

How did this corrupt system come to be?  Extortion.  The NJEA tells elected officials to give in to every demand or the NJEA will use its war chest to oust them.  Look at what the NJEA is now doing to Senate President Stephen Sweeney (a Democrat).