Monday, October 7, 2019

The Cardone Family was Directly Responsible for Hiring the Cardone Family…

Nancy Cardone’s son was hired by the Lodi BOE in 1997.

Nancy Cardone’s sister was the Superintendent of Lodi Schools in 1997.

Nancy Cardone’s sister-in-law was hired by the Lodi BOE in 1994.

Nancy Cardone’s sister was the Superintendent of Lodi Schools in 1994.

Nancy Cardone’s sister was directly responsible for hiring Nancy Cardone’s son and Nancy Cardone’s sister-in-law.

Nancy Cardone moved from Washington School elementary teacher in the ‘90s to a new assignment as “Media Specialist” at Lodi High School.  Mrs. Cardone has yet to provide any documentation showing that she was qualified to be a High School Media Specialist.  Furthermore, she had no high school teaching experience.  Throughout the ‘90s, Mrs. Cardone was running political campaigns out of the Lodi High School library.

Most people don’t know that all hiring, promotions, transfers, etc. come directly from the superintendent of schools.  Board members only vote on items put up by the superintendent.  Nancy Cardone’s sister was directly responsible for the hiring, promotions, and transfers of the Cardone Family.

For way too long, the Cardone Family has treated our schools as their personal family business.  They don’t know any better.  They don’t know anything different.  They have no shame.