Monday, October 28, 2019

Lodi Students and Taxpayers have benefitted greatly by the unnecessary $8M administration building contract being cancelled on January 4, 2017...

The vote described above actually cancelled (not suspended) the contract that had already been awarded.  The board was in the middle of a  short  grace period to get out of the contract.  If action wasn't taken on January 4, 2017, the building was being demolished that March.

As we await the completion of the new Makerspace and Science Labs at the High School, voters should know that money came from the $8M that was to be used for the unnecessary administration building.

Other schools improvements over the last few years came from the $8M that was to be used for the unnecessary administration building.

The district is moving forward with Air Conditioning for the Wilson School Gym.  That money is coming from the $8M that was to be used on the unnecessary $8M administration building.

If the Cardone group got its way in 2017, Lodi taxes would have soared and students would never be benefiting from all these improvements taking place in our schools.  If the Cardone group got its way, Capizzi and Quatrone would have gotten their new, lavish, over the top $8,000,000 offices.