Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Money During Elections Often Leads to Corruption…

I am glad to say that I have NOT accepted any campaign contributions from anyone during this campaign.  I have never accepted one penny from anyone during any of my prior campaigns.

Many good, decent people have offered me small contributions because they support the work I am doing.  I appreciate their offers but I have a uniform policy not to accept any contributions.

I have also had people that give to the mayor and council offer me larger campaign contributions.  I have NOT accepted any.

This is in contrast to the Cardone political group.  The Cardone group is spending thousands and thousands of dollars on what should be a nonpolitical election for board of education (emphasis on education). 

As board members, we sign a pledge to not surrender our independent judgement to political groups.  The Cardone campaign has shown that there is nothing independent about its candidates.  This is a political group being funded by Lodi’s long time corrupt political machine.  Their political campaigns always result in pay-to-play abuses and Tammany Hall style patronage.

Link to the only report showing by the Cardone group on the ELEC website:

We are currently 9 days away from Election Day.  The Cardone group should disclose all of its campaign contributors, contributions, and expenditures.  Those that provide no transparency during campaigns provide no transparency while in office.