Saturday, October 26, 2019

A Deputy Attorney General Subpoenaed District Records. Nancy Cardone Voted NOT TO COMPLY.

The Deputy Attorney General subpoenaed district emails and other records after the School Ethics Commission found probable cause that a former BOE president committed ethics violations in a case that involved misappropriation of public funds.

You would think that board members would welcome the subpoena.  You would think that board members would be grateful that someone in the state was looking to protect the district from the misappropriation of public funds.

Not Nancy Cardone.  Nancy Cardone voted not to comply with the subpoena.  Nancy Cardone voted to cover up a cover up. 

Nancy Cardone had her chance to serve Lodi.  Instead, she chose to serve a corrupt political machine. Nancy Cardone's running mates are running on her record of corruption and cover ups.  These aren't Cardone scandals from the '90s.  The scandals are recent.  

Meeting minutes clearly document Nancy Cardone’s corrupt voting.  Meeting minutes clearly illustrate her constant cover ups. 

Link to post about Nancy Cardone’s corrupt vote on December 19, 2018: