Saturday, October 19, 2019

Good Riddance, Find a Hobby…

Below is a press release by the spokeswoman for the Cardone Political Group.  Karen Viscana addressed it to the “Residents of Lodi” because she apparently believes that all Lodi residents are just so concerned about what she has to say at any given moment in time.  After running the dirtiest campaigns for the past 50 years, engaging in the worst  slander and defamation of character, she leaves us with this:

“To the residents of Lodi:
I have made a decision to leave facebook for the duration of this upcoming board election . I apologize to our residents for continuing to banter with people who have clearly displayed a lack of character and concern for our community which is quite disturbing.
The Progress for Education team have related a positive campaign in spite of the blatant lies and slanderous remarks directed at them. Their opposition, however, have displayed a total lack of respect for our teachers, administrators and residents.  
So let the blogger, blog! Let the distasteful political tactics and rhetoric continue. Lodi Live does not represent Lodi! Their new atempt of "candid canera" is just another example to distort the issues.
Our community deserves better!
Our children deserve better!”