Thursday, October 3, 2019

Nancy Cardone voted on the contract for her Daughter-In-Law, Sister-In-Law, Niece, and other relatives…

On March 28, 2018, Nancy Cardone voted YES on the contract for a long list of relatives she has employed in the Lodi schools.

Voting on a contract for a daughter-in-law and sister-in-law isn’t only unethical.  It’s CORRUPT.

What many people don’t realize about the contract is that is added many new stipend positions.  Many of the new stipends went to Nancy Cardone’s niece and sister-in-law.  Nancy Cardone’s sister-in-law (President of the Lodi teacher union) is already making $103,710 as a pre-k classroom teacher without the stipends.  Nothing is ever enough for the Cardone family. 

After voting on the contract for all of her relatives, Nancy Cardone interrupted the meeting to pander to union activists (her family) sitting in the audience.

So she voted on her family’s contract, gave them all special stipends, and then interrupted the meeting to pander.  And she didn’t see anything wrong with that.

Mike Cardone says it's unethical for me to write on this personal blog.  Everyone else says it’s unethical for Nancy Cardone to vote on her family’s contracts and padding their pockets.