Monday, October 28, 2019

December 19, 2016: Letter submitted to the Lodi Board of Education...

December 19, 2016

Mr. Capizzi, Mr. Quatrone, and Board Trustees:

It is very inappropriate that you placed a Resolution for the Lincoln School project on the December 21st agenda.  It is shocking that you would even consider awarding a bid in the amount of $6,053,500 two weeks before new board trustees are sworn in.  There was an election on November 8th.  There is a reorganization meeting on January 4th.  No vote on the Lincoln School project should have taken place between the two.

Incoming trustees will be dealing with your rushed $7.5 million decision, not outgoing ones.  You currently have one vacant seat.  You have a lame duck trustee that was soundly defeated in the November 8th election.  You have another trustee that rarely attends meetings. A deficient board should not be taking up this matter four days before Christmas.

Regardless of whether you admit it or not, your decision will lead to future tax increases.  It will drain resources from necessary school repairs.  It will affect the upcoming budget and teacher contracts.

You are aware that your project lacks any public support and that is why you refused to place it on the ballot as a nonbinding referendum.

The voters of Lodi elected me to represent their interests.  It is time to put Lodi first and not whatever special interest you committed to. 

You have shown us over the last year that there is no urgency to rush this project.  I respectfully ask that you table all matters pertaining to the Lincoln School project until after the January 4th Re-organization meeting.


Ryan Curioni

Board of Education Trustee Elect