Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Capizzi & Quatrone’s out of control legal costs on tomorrow’s agenda…

Attorney bills on the June 27th agenda:

Sciarrillo, page 15, $7,128.00

Nirenberg & Varana, page 15, $4,431.78

Sciarrillo, page 21, $5,971.00

Nunno-DiChiara, page 30, $5,168.00

Purcell, Mulcahy & Flanagan, addendum, $5,000.00

Sciarrillo, addendum, $3555.25

Different firms are billing for the same work.  Sciarrillo and Nunno-DiChiara are billing too much for “review and research”.  Sciarrillo’s invoices are too general, i.e., “Miscellaneous issues” from Marc Capizzi.

Quatrone and Capizzi are paying Sciarrillo and Nunno-DiChiara $160/hr. to locate basic information that is readily available to the public. 

The biggest money maker for one attorney is a case in which she isn't even a lead attorney.  Some people cause unnecessary lawsuits and then make money off them.

Quatrone was supposed to turn over requested documents months ago pertaining to Sciarrillo’s bills.  The documents were never turned over. Many pertained to Quatrone’s contract.

Sciarrillo has a history of being paid with Lodi tax dollars to carry out personal vendettas for others.  People are on tape lying.  People got caught but didn’t seem to learn their lesson.

Quatrone and Board members knowingly commit ethics violations and then use Lodi tax dollars to defend themselves.

Allyson Pontier and Debra Kwapniewski added legal costs by filing a frivolous PERC complaint in which they were unsuccessful.  They don't do anything without the blessing of Quatrone.

Capizzi reported last week: “The legal costs paid and invoiced year to date for the 2017-2018 school year total $129,240.28, as compared to the 2017-2018 budgeted appropriations of $90,682.00. 

Lodi is way over its budgeted appropriations for legal costs.  And it certainly appears that Lodi spent a lot more than $129,240.28.