Friday, January 26, 2018

Frank Quatrone and Alisa DiChiara hid information, misled Board members, wasted tax dollars, and compromised contract negotiations…

It was revealed this week that Frank Quatrone was in possession of a “May Memorandum” from Tony Sciarrillo which listed recent advisory opinions showing that two non-conflicted Board members should negotiate a superintendent’s contract and that doctrine of necessity should NOT be invoked.

The Lodi taxpayers paid the Sciarrillo firm a lot of money to research “doctrine of necessity” over the summer months.  His research was withheld from the public and from Board members.  It was even withheld after I formally requested it multiple times in October.  Why?  Because the research contradicted what Quatrone and DiChiara were saying for months.  Withholding the information also helped them influence the November election.

After being in possession of the “May Memorandum”, Frank Quatrone tried to persuade the Board to invoke “doctrine of necessity” at the June 28th meeting for his own contract negotiations.  Every time I tried to tell the Board that they cannot do that, Frank Quatrone raised his voice and said: “The teachers are the foot soldiers.  They are on the front line.”  The LEA robots cheered him on: “Yeah Mr. Quatrone!”.  It was a good distracting technique.  It wasn't what we were debating.  But that has become Quatrone's go to line when he is caught doing something wrong.  That night, Marra, Carafa, Miller, and Nardino voted to break the rules.  They all have conflicts of interest in the matter.  I voted with the two members without conflicts to NOT break the rules. 

After being in possession of the “May Memorandum” for months, Alisa DiChiara sent me the nasty email below on August 2nd.

I never sought diologue with the Board in violation of OPMA. 

Ms. DiChiara wrote: “…it is not necessary to obtain yet another opinion”.  At that time, Ms. DiChiara knew that any opinion would show that she was wrong.

Around Labor Day, Al Mastrofilipo and I were forced to seek an advisory opinion from the School Ethics Commission.

An advisory opinion from the SEC showed that the Ms. DiChiara was wrong.  But she already knew she was wrong.  She and Frank Quatrone had information in May showing that they were wrong.

Click on the link below:

I had to spend a lot of my money with printing costs and certified mail to receive the right opinion from the SEC.  I don’t have Ms. DiChiara’s money.  Is she going to reimburse me for doing her job?

After all their schemes, Frank Quatrone had the audacity to play the victim at this week’s meeting.  He placed himself on the teachers' "doctrine" Resolution and stated that he is one of two units working without a contract. He failed to mention that the custodians are working without a contract at no fault of their own. 

Frank Quatrone’s contract was supposed to have been negotiated in June by Al Mastrofilipo and Jeff Telep.  Frank Quatrone wanted to choose his own negotiations committee so he can get whatever he asks for.  Frank Quatrone chose to wait until he had a 24 year old Board President that says “awesome” incessantly.

Our negotiations are compromised.  People shouldn’t be rewarded for bad behavior.  

As everyone has been saying all week:  Where is the State oversight?