Sunday, January 28, 2018

Bombshell: “Superintendent” never belonged on the Doctrine of Necessity Resolution for the LEA!

Resolution from Tony Sciarrillo (dated January 16th):

Resolution provided to the Board and approved by a 6-2 vote (January 24th):

Take a moment to study the difference.


Frank Quatrone referred to a “communication” from Tony Sciarrillo as the basis for the “Doctrine of Necessity” Resolution.

That “communication” doesn’t mention contract negotiations for the superintendent.  It only includes the Lodi Education Association in the sample resolution.  The conflicts mentioned in the communication only apply to the teachers’ negotiations, not the superintendent’s.  It doesn’t acknowledge that there is currently one Board vacancy (really big thing to leave out).  Click on the link below.

Between January 16th and January 24th, someone wrongfully added “Superintendent” to the Resolution.

Someone wrongfully listed Jeff Telep as having a conflict with the superintendent’s contract.

Someone added that there is one vacancy.  That vacancy existed the first week of January but wasn't addressed in Sciarrillo's communication. 

Six Board members (Leto, Cardone, Scorzetti, Nardino, Marra, and Carbonetti), the Superintendent (Quatrone), and the Board Attorney (Nunno-DiChiara) have a lot of explaining to do. 

They were warned about these issues.  It's all on tape. 

At some point, they must be held accountable for their actions.