Thursday, January 25, 2018

Video of the Lodi BOE voting to hire Scorzetti's girlfriend...

One of the discussions about the hiring of Scorzetti’s girlfriend is at around 1:18:00 (-34.36).

Click on the link below to watch the video:

A Board member's girlfriend being hired at his first regular meeting is not OK.  I pointed out a better qualified person at our personnel meeting (among the six resumes for the unadvertised position). That person is a self-less volunteer in the community and had the right professional experience.

What excuse did Mr. Quatrone use for not considering the person that I thought was a better candidate?  Mr. Quatrone said she has a child at the school so sometimes it isn’t good for a parent to work in the same school as their child.  Really bad excuse. 

But it’s OK for someone to sit on the Board while his girlfriend is being hired?

Bob Marra and Frank Quatrone said I can’t discuss anything said at the personnel meeting. Well, I told them not to commit ethics violations.  They didn’t listen either.  

And the personnel committee is no longer a real personnel committee without Al Mastrofilipo.