Wednesday, January 24, 2018

A meeting full of ETHICS VIOLATIONS! Don't destroy the tapes.

1)     The Board voted to hire Donald Scorzetti’s girlfriend for a position that wasn’t advertised.   The following members voted ‘YES” despite the ethics violations I cited prior to the vote:  Cardone, Leto, Nardino, Marra, and Carbonetti.

2)     The Board wrongfully voted to invoke “Doctrine of Necessity” to allow conflicted members to negotiate Frank Quatrone’s contract.  He did something unprecedented.  He clumped his “doctrine” on the same resolution as the teachers’.  Quatrone engaged in the unethical act of pressuring the Board to approve the resolution despite the ethics violations cited before the vote.  He had no business telling the Board what to do on matter that affects him personally and financially.  Nancy Cardone and Donald Scorzetti were clueless and confused, but voted YES enthusiastically.  The other YES votes: Marra, Leto, Carbonetti, and Nardino.

Alisa Nunno DiChiara said it was fine that the Board was hiring a Board member’s girlfriend without advertising the position.  We know how her advice turned out with the School Ethic Commission in the past. (0 for how many?)

Alisa Nunno DiChiara stated that she wasn’t certain about Quatrone’s resolution and that she would have to research the matter.  The Board voted to approve the resolution anyway.

I read the following statement regarding the hiring of Scorzetti’s girlfriend:

I read the following statement regarding Quatrone’s negotiations: