Sunday, July 2, 2017

Superintendent pay hasn’t been negotiated yet…

The 2016-2017 budget (p. 33) lists Mr. Quatrone’s salary at $192,458

The 2017-2018 budget (p.33) lists Mr. Quatrone’s salary at $226,072.

That would be a $33,614 raise or 17.5%.

The terms of Mr. Quatrone’s contract have not been negotiated yet.

The $226,072 salary was listed months ago.

It seems that certain people decided on a salary long before any negotiations took place.

Now, they are going to the extremes to attain that goal.

On Wednesday, four board members voted to use “doctrine of necessity” to negotiate Mr. Quatrone’s contract.  This was something that was never done before.  It was done without an advisory opinion from the SEC.  It would allow six people with conflicts of interest to negotiate. 

This looks really bad.  Other bargaining units are working under expired contracts.

It’s very sad that union people are cheering this on at board meetings.  They are more interested in helping Mr. Quatrone attain his target than they are for the teachers.