Sunday, July 16, 2017

An email chain where Dominic Miller was first questioned about using public funds for political purposes...

Beginning on April 28th (or earlier), Dominic Miller ran up thousands of dollars in legal bills for Lodi by having Anthony Sciarrillo review my blog posts and then draft an ethics complaint against me.   He used public funds for a private purpose.  Some of the bills appeared in this post:

Below is one email chain that shows Miller withholding information and being very dishonest:

Work Session follow up

Thu, Jun 22, 2017 at 10:11 PM

Mr. Capizzi,

Can you please forward me the correspondence between Board President Dominic Miller and the attorney regarding the bill posted on page 6 (of 8):  "4/28 Receipt and review of emails and attachments from D. Miller in Re: Website Posts".

I would like to know the bills I will be voting on next week.


Ryan Curioni

Work Session follow up

Fri, Jun 23, 2017 at 11:09 AM

Mr. Curioni,

Per your request below, I do not have any correspondences in the Business Office related to the item in question.  It is my understanding from Mr. Miller that the services in question were the result of a verbal conversation between him and the Attorney.

Please direct any further questions regarding this matter directly to Mr. Miller.  Thank you.  


Marc A. Capizzi

Work Session follow up

Fri, Jun 23, 2017 at 7:37 PM

Mr. Miller,

Mr. Sciarillo is the board's attorney and he bills by the hour.  He is not a personal attorney for any board member.  If a trustee corresponds with the attorney and expects the rest of the board to approve the bill, the rest of the board has a right to know what was submitted and what was discussed. 

Please forward me all emails and attachments that are clearly referenced in the invoice: "4/28 Receipt and review of emails and attachments from D. Miller in Re: Website Posts". 

You should also supply Mr. Capizzi with the "emails and attachments" because he stated that he doesn't have any correspondence in the Business Office.  When you send emails in your capacity as Board President, they must be preserved as public records.

I would like to see the emails and attachments before I vote on the bills at this week's meeting.


Ryan Curioni

Fwd: Mediation: Lodi Board of Education/Education Association

Sat, Jun 24, 2017 at 2:30 PM
Mr Curioni:

Attached please find the email and attachment as requested. After receiving this email, I contacted Mr. Sciarillo by phone to discuss the communication that was received. During that conversation, I inquired of your blog to ensure the legality of it to protect your rights as a Board Trustee. if you have any further questions regarding this, you can contact Mr. Sciarillo directly at his office. 

Please note, I have copied Mr. Sciarillo on this email as well.


Dominic Miller

Fwd: Mediation: Lodi Board of Education/Education Association

Sat, Jun 24, 2017 at 8:50 PM

Mr. Miller,

I never mentioned the union or negotiations on my blog until May 24th which was a month after the date on the invoice.  I have a right to see all materials for this invoice.  I will be voting on the bills this Wednesday.

I don't believe an attachment sent to Mr. Mastrofilipo about mediation has anything to do with the invoice: "4/28 Receipt and review of emails and attachments from D. Miller in Re: Website Posts".

As a trustee, I have a right to this information without an OPRA request.  Please forward me all email communications between you and Mr. Sciarillo for the months of April and May.  If I do not receive them by Tuesday, I will file an OPRA request for your emails. Please do not delete them, as that would be destroying public records and agencies can retrieve them anyway.


Ryan Curioni