Wednesday, June 19, 2019

The Lodi Mayor and Council have been informed by email of Chief Scorzetti's conduct...

Borough Manager Vincent Caruso, Mayor Emil Carafa, and Councilmembers:

The intent of this email is to inform you of the conduct of your Police Chief Donald Scorzetti during a closed session meeting of the Lodi Board of Education that took place on Monday, June 17, 2019.

During the meeting, Chief Scorzetti erupted into a profanity laced tirade.  Where he really crossed the line is when he began using the r-word.  I explained to him why that word should never be used and how hurtful and offensive it to so many families.  Chief Scorzetti acted as though he could care less.  He yelled, “Put it on your blog”, “file an ethics complaint”.  I explained how there have been efforts going on for a very long time by those with special needs and their advocates to eliminate the use of that word.

Present for the meeting were eight board members, the superintendent, business administrator, and board attorney.

I wanted to bring this matter to your attention so you can begin your own review of Chief Scorzetti’s actions.  I am sure that Chief Scorzetti has some professional code of conduct that he must abide by.  I fear that Chief Scorzetti’s inappropriate language and actions are not isolated to only BOE meetings.  

A response to this email isn’t necessary.  Please review the Chief’s actions in a fair manner.

Ryan Curioni