Saturday, June 1, 2019

PRIDE Corruption: Violation of Election Laws...

Update:  We are now in June and PRIDE still has not disclosed any of its campaign contributors.  One month from now, PRIDE will be handing out NO BID contracts to its campaign contributors.  PRIDE will be making up new patronage jobs for its campaign contributors.  Joe Leto is currently voting on contracts as a BOE member (likely going to his campaign contributors being they are chosen by a Luna without any competitive process).  The public has the right to know who contributed to PRIDE and what they are getting in return.  It's the law.

As of May 12th , Lodi PRIDE mailed out 5 town wide flyers (estimated at $5,000 each).  PRIDE’s signs likely surpassed $10,000.  PRIDE had two full page ads in the Community News (thousands of dollars).  PRIDE inundated mailboxes with boastful letters (thousands of dollars).  PRIDE spent thousands of dollars on palm cards and handouts.  PRIDE admitted paying from its campaign account  to have Lodi teacher Joe Romeo display a PRIDE campaign poster in the Lodi High School cafetaria during a school event. 

Yet, PRIDE’s last ELEC report filed on April 30th states the campaign  received a total of $14,520.  They claim the candidates loaned the campaign $7,800 and some unnamed contributor(s) gave $6,720. PRIDE reports it only spent $6,126. Clearly, PRIDE is concealing where its dirty money is coming from and where it is going. PRIDE is in clear violation of New Jersey Election Law.

PRIDE is among the worst pay-to-play abusers in the state.  Lodi taxpayers overpay hundreds of thousands of dollars each year for “professional services” when NO BID contracts are awarded to PRIDE campaign contributors.  PRIDE has a clear motive to conceal contributions from those currently ripping off the town.

PRIDE’s very own “puppet master” Tony Luna receives payments from the Main St. developer.  PRIDE has a clear motive to conceal money coming from any businesses or employees associated with JMP.

PRIDE is hooked up with the strip joints.  PRIDE has a clear motive to conceal money coming in from the real life Sopranos.

PRIDE is not a group of regular citizens.  They don’t fund their own campaigns.  Therefore, when they hide their money sources and expenditures, it is a serious problem.

Post Date May 12, 2019