Monday, June 10, 2019

Request for Investigation with the Election Law Enforcement Commission...

Click on the link below to view the Request for Investigation that was submitted today via certified mail:

PRIDE spent a large amount of money on their recent campaign.  PRIDE chose NOT to report the sources of their campaign cash or how it was spent.  PRIDE never disclosed how much it actually took in.

PRIDE candidates and their treasurer have been involved in enough campaigns to know that they were breaking the law.

When people in power take money at election time in return for public contracts, jobs, promotions and other political favors, they are engaging in a system of bribes and kickbacks. 

When politicians collect such large sums of cash and don’t report it, they likely are taking some for themselves.

PRIDE pay-to-play abuses cause the Lodi taxpayers to overpay millions during the following four years.

A month has passed since the election.  PRIDE violated campaign finance laws.