Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Update: They even made up a new "per diem rate" with Quatrone's illegal backroom contract...

In 2018, Marc Capizzi, Joe Leto, and others refused to provide me with a copy of Quatrone’s contract even after it was sent to the County for approval.  An attorney with the School Board’s Association told Capizzi that I had a right to see the contract.  Capizzi finally emailed me a copy on March 2, 2018:

Link to the contract that Marc Capizzi emailed me on March 2, 2018:

Sometime between March 2, 2018 and April 26, 2018, the wording changed for Mr. Quatrone’s sick day payout.  I was never given a heads up that the contract changed.  

During the backroom changes, someone suddenly found a 212 number after the county supposedly questioned something.  That number never appeared in Quatrone’s contract from 2012 thru 2017.  That number never appeared on the contract that I received on March 2, 2018.

During the backroom changes, someone from Lodi inserted a new definition of “per diem rate” on page 7 which is different from page 6.  They used “1/260 of annual salary” on page 6 and “1/20 of gross monthly salary” on page 7.  Calculations for Quatrone’s sick payout are based on the later which would give Quatrone $852.19/day instead of $786.64/day.  This translates to a sick day payout of $180,665 instead of $166,767 (based on Quatrone’s current base salary is $204,526). Why not steal $14,000 more? That's just a drop in the bucket to the Lodi politicians.

Lodi is even being ripped off on the rip off.

The political hacks running the county office didn’t notice that Lodi was using two different per diem rates on the same contract? Joseph Zarra never reviewed the wording or the calculations.

Link to the contract that was approved by the crooked Lodi BOE on April 26, 2018:

It’s very frustrating to witness this corruption.