Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Children First's $187,184 sick day deal for Quatrone is NOT consistent with the law or any budget figures…

The district is required to post a user friendly budget each year on its website.  The New Jersey Department of Education also posts them and is currently showing Lodi’s user friendly budgets from 2011-12 through 2018-19.

Each year shows a different amount for Quatrone’s post-employment payout for unused sick days.  The 2013-14 budget shows $15,000 which should be the correct amount.  The 2016-17 budget shows $271,543.  The law changed in 2007.  These fluctuating numbers show that Quatrone and the Board are making things up as they go along.  There was no clear agreement in place as of June 8, 2007 to pay Quatrone a specific amount beyond the $15,000 cap no matter when retirement occurred.  Every other district employee has been capped at $15,000 since 2014. 

2018-19: $187,184

2017-18: $226,952

2016-17: $271,543

2015-16: $268,000

2014-15: $263,813

2013-14: $15,000

2012-13: $195,845

2011-12: $0