Wednesday, June 19, 2019

June 8, 2007 and sick day payouts…

A quick google search shows what a contract would include if a payout for unused sick days were to exceed $15,000 for superintendents (and a few other district titles).  A value must be recorded as of June 8, 2007 and memorialized in future contracts.  Here is one example for Board Secretary in Wallington:

Link to Wallington contract:

Mr. Quatrone had no agreement with the district on June 8, 2007 that would allow him to be compensated $200,000 for unused sick days at any time of retirement.  He had no such agreement memorialized in his contract spanning 2012-2017.  You can’t have ten years without an agreement and then make one up 11 years after the law changed.

If you google “new jersey superintendent contract”, these contracts appear on page 1.  No superintendent is being compensated beyond $15,000 for unused sick days.



