Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Sick day heist...

Board members are supposed to ensure that no employee wrongfully walks away with hundreds of thousands of dollars that should be going into the classrooms.  Unfortunately,  corrupt board members are complicit with the proposed superintendent sick day payout ranging from $184,834 to $200,007.  The “Children First” board members that have disregarded multiple state statutes, lied to the SEC, denied the public a 30 day notice and hearing, negotiated with conflicts of interest,  and failed to produce a required agreement from June 8, 2007 also happen to be claiming that they are unfamiliar with contracts below.  So here they are once again included in the post below:

An OPRA response shows that Frank Quatrone had 5 contracts between 2001 (when he became Superintendent) and 2017 despite the fact that each contract was for 5 years.  Contracts overlapped and were constantly being re-negotiated in the middle of terms in order to get Mr. Quatrone more money and higher percentages.  The most blatant abuse occurred during the 2006-2007 school year when the Board increased Mr. Quatrone’s annual raises from 3% to 5%.  The State enacted reforms affecting Superintendents in 2007.  The Board responded accordingly by getting as much as they could for Mr. Quatrone before laws took effect.  The Board committed many violations in the process.

Please review all contracts for yourself.  This is what you will see:

Nowhere does it mention any agreement between Mr. Quatrone and the Board as of June 8, 2007 that would allow Mr. Quatrone to be compensated for sick days in excess of $15,000 a decade or more later.

Three different contracts covering the 2006-2007 school year list three different base salaries:  $146,240, $147,659, and $155,042.  

With the exception of the 2012 contract, none of the other contracts have a signature from the Executive County Superintendent.   Does the County have any of those contracts on file?  The County will have to answer for its negligence.

Alisa DiChiara is going to have to answer for her one line opinions that have no basis in these contracts.

There must be an investigation! Lodi is being robbed.

Contract for 2001-2006 (dated August 12, 2001):

Contract for 2004-2009 (last page w/ signatures is not dated):

Contract for 2006-2007 through 2010-2011 (last page w/ signatures is not dated):

Contract for 2007-2008 through 2011-2012 (dated January 24, 2007):

Contract for July 1, 2012 through July 1, 2017: