Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Some words should never be used. Period.

During closed session last night, in between saying “f*%K” repeatedly, Lodi Police Chief Donald Scorzetti used the r-word.  When I tried to explain to him how inappropriate the word is and why it should never be used, Scorzetti lashed out even more saying “file another ethics complaint” and “put it on your blog”. 

In the year 2019, I don’t understand how this word is still used especially by a police chief and board member.

Donald Scorzetti has gone after people’s careers for the use of a singular word.  The same rules should apply to this hypocrite.

Lodi needs to provide Scorzetti with training as to why this word should never be used.

I am sure Scorzetti is making phone calls tonight to destroy the tape of tonight’s closed session.

People should speak the same way in closed session as they do in open.

The public has the right to hear Donald Scorzetti in his own words.  They will undoubtedly determine that he is unfit to be police chief.