Wednesday, May 2, 2018

OPRA response shows that after 2013 no district employee was compensated more than $15,000 for unused sick days...

OPRA Request: 

2)      Records showing all retirement payouts (unused sick days, vacation, etc.) to any district employees in the years 2008 thru 2018 (employee name and payout).

OPRA Response:

Clink on link below:

Teachers retiring with more years than Mr. Quatrone are now capped at $15,000.

Administrators are now capped at $15,000.

Mr. Quatrone is seeking $191,723 for himself. 

Many people retired when they did because of cap.  Mr. Quatrone did not retire during that time and is pretending that nothing changed in 2007.

Side note:  Many people are asking why Joe Capizzi is not listed anywhere on the OPRA response.