Monday, May 14, 2018

412 sick days? Impossible!

At the start of this school year, Frank Quatrone claims he had accumulated 412 sick days.  He receives 15 sick days annually as Superintendent.  None of his Super contracts state that he carried over any days from when he was a Gym teacher or Roosevelt School Principal.  Those are different bargaining units.  Quatrone relinquished all rights and privileges from those contracts once he signed an individual employee contract as Superintendent in 2001. The special giveaways he is seeking now should have been clearly stated in his prior Super contracts.  They clearly were not.

If you divide 412 by 16 (the number of years he was Super), you average 25.8 sick days accumulated each year.  Impossible.  He is only given 15 annually.

If you divide 412 by 35 (all of Quatrone’s years in the district), you average 11.8 sick days accumulated each year.  When Quatrone was a Gym teacher, he was not given 15 sick days a year.  Maybe 10?  Being he didn’t have perfect attendance in the last 34 years, you be the judge as to the likelihood of Quatrone racking up 412 sick days.

Quatrone’s salary is over $200,000.  He will be collecting a large six figure pension for the rest of his life.  Does he really need to do this on his way out?