Friday, August 24, 2018

On this week’s BOE agenda, a $226,100 contract for professional development …

Last year, the Board awarded a contract to “Staff Development Workshops, Inc.” not to exceed $73,600.

Next week, the Board will vote to award a contract to “Staff Development Workshops, Inc.” not to exceed $226,100.  This year's contract includes Literacy and Math.

$226,100 is an expensive contract for “mentoring”, "coaching", “consulting”, and “training”. 

I understand the importance of professional development for district staff.  I also realize that the district is top heavy with administrators and supervisors.  Lodi administrators are among the highest paid in the state. 

District Supervisors and Administrators should be able to provide some mentoring, coaching, and training in Literacy and Mathematics. 

When appointing supervisors/administrators, Mr. Quatrone should look for a skill set and background that he is now seeking from these high priced "consultants", "coaches", and "mentors".  Just months ago, the public witnessed Mr. Quatrone recommend a supervisor that wasn't yet in possession of a supervisor certificate or master degree and hadn't even received tenure as a teacher.

Last year, Frank Quatrone tried to receive a merit bonus because the Board was paying a literacy coach/consultant.