Thursday, August 16, 2018

Marc Schrieks robbed the Lodi taxpayers for health benefits that he was no longer entitled…

I will once again provide the residents of Lodi all the evidence showing how Marc Schrieks (as a part-time councilman/mayor) used Lodi tax dollars to pay for his health benefits that he was no longer entitled. 

Right up until the time Marc Schrieks resigned as mayor, he couldn’t explain how he was “grandfathered” when he was not enrolled by Lodi when the law changed in May 2010.  In fact, the Lodi Mayor and Council actually passed a resolution waiving their health benefits one month before the law changed.

Marc Schrieks also dodged all questions regarding the costs placed on the Lodi taxpayers for his health benefits as a part-time councilman.

I just located multiple news articles where reporters used OPRA requests to determine costs for part-time elected official’s health benefits.

Lodi taxpayers have the right to know how much they should be reimbursed by Marc Schrieks.

Below is the OPRA request I just submitted: