Saturday, August 12, 2017

The Cardone way…

A superintendent has to make all recommendations before a board of education votes to hire.  A board can’t vote to hire anyone not put forward by the superintendent.

In 1997, Board Candidate Nancy Cardone’s son was hired to work in the Lodi schools.

In 1997, Board Candidate Nancy Cardone’s sister was the superintendent of the Lodi schools.

Cardone’s sister recommended the hiring of Cardone’s son.

Through nepotism and Lodi’s infamous political patronage system, Cardone’s son rose through the ranks, eventually just walking into a principal position.

What would have been the ethical alternative to the Cardone way?

A superintendent would ask her nephew to please apply for a job in a different district to eliminate conflicts of interest and the blatant display of nepotism.

The big time nepotism players of the past will not move our schools forward.