Saturday, August 19, 2017

Burton Weiner, 3 year seat

1)  Will you pledge to vote against the $7.5M administration building?  Please explain.

BW:  YES, ABSOLUTELY.  That unjustified expenditure eventually will have to be replaced by Lodi’s taxpayers.  The expenditure cannot be acceptable without approval by taxpayer votes AFTER publication of an engineer’s report, AND the names of the corporations that are proposed for the demolition, rental of temporary relocation sites, and new construction.

2)  Does Lodi have a nepotism problem?  If you answer “yes”, please provide one suggestion to combat it.

BW:  The hiring of relatives by Lodi officials has been obvious and blatant for years.  ALL hirees should be selected from FEW names drawn from the TOP of a list of applicants (Qualified), placed on the list according to date of application.

3)  Should any board employee be earning a salary in excess of $200,000?  Please explain.

BW:  NO, ABSOLUTELY.  Exemptions should be only for those who have served as a Two-term governor of a state, one full term as President of the United States, holds PhDs in two of the Humanities, and are lineal descendants of George Washington.


4)  Please list one area of academics that you would like the Board to focus more attention.  Why?

BW:  I assert emphatically that Civics should be taught as a separate subject, with emphasis on the origin and evolution of The Rule of Law, from The Pentateuch to the U.S. Constitution.  The History of European Civilization should be taught as the playing out of The Rule of Law concept.  The History of European (Western) Civilization should be taught before High School Level.  Our children are taught as if they are incapable of dealing with abstract thought, as if the ability will develop when they enter college.  That is like not teaching them to walk until they enter adolescence.  In fact, as the brain matures the areas mediating specific abilities, it experiences a surge of neuronal development.  If those areas of neuronal growth are not challenged by stimuli the neurons die back afterward and cannot regrow.  It’s true; look it up.