Sunday, August 6, 2017

Emil Carafa used his personal email for: “Lodi Board of Education- November Ballot Question”…

Mayor Carafa’s personal email address only appeared for the above subject.  I am sure this was intentional.  Mr. Carafa’s and Ms. Licata’s emails are noticeably missing from BOE discussions.  The other three council members were included.

The board never brought the ballot question to the mayor and council.  Yet they spent so much time and energy on it anyway.  The directive came from someone.  Most people believe that Mr. Carafa is the one that directed Mr. Caruso and Mr. Spiniello to send those letters to the county.  

Mayor Carafa used his personal email to conduct borough business and his borough email to discuss campaign contributions with Josh Gottheimer:

After Carafa contributed to Gottheimer, the congressman wrote “Please don’t hesitate to email or call me if you need anything at all…”  That’s nice for a politician to say after he receives money.