Friday, September 20, 2019

It’s Not 2017 Anymore. Did Anyone Tell the LEA Officers?

In 2017, the LEA officers ran a campaign to create a 100% conflicted board so board members can negotiate and vote on contracts for their own relatives.  “Doctrine of Necessity” would be invoked for everything.  The LEA ran a campaign to corrupt our schools (literally corrupt our schools).

As LEA leaders (Cardone’s family and others) are currently promising away our town in return for votes, here is something they may not have thought of:

If you look at the make-up of board members not up for re-election,

And if you look at the make-up of all candidates running this Election,

You will conclude that no matter what the outcome of the Election: 

1)  Neither Nancy Cardone nor Sharon Salvacion will negotiate the LEA contract.  

2)  Neither Nancy Cardone nor Sharon Salvacion will vote on the LEA contract. 

3)  “Doctrine of Necessity” will not be invoked for negotiations. 

4)  “Doctrine of Necessity” will not be invoked to vote on the LEA contract.

The LEA officers are chasing a lie and offering more empty promises to its members.  It's not 2017 anymore.