Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Numbers don’t match with JMP’s $216,765.15 tax refund resolution…

Here are the numbers listed on the Resolution approved by the Lodi mayor and council for Block 174.01, Lot 11.02.  It’s showing an original assessment of $0 for land and $8,735,000 for improvements.

Here is what the tax records show for the same block and lot:

If you look beyond the specific Block 174.01, Lot 11.02 tax card, and look at all 4 properties appearing for JMP on Essex Street, the numbers on the tax judgment resolution still don’t add up.

All properties show that JMP purchased the properties for $3,600,000 on December 9, 2011 from the Bank of New York.  In 2011, the real estate market was really battered.  Since then, property values have increased drastically.  Essex Street is prime location.  Is JMP being assessed at $1,450,000 for something he paid $3,600,000 in 2011?  It's hard to understand what is going on when the mayor and council provide so many conflicting numbers on their resolutions.

The public has the right to know all details for this $216,765.15 tax refund.  What was the REAL original assessment?  How many blocks and lots were involved?  Did Alan Spiniello defend Lodi’s interests or advocate for the interests of the wealthy developer?  What evidence was submitted by JMP to the County to have his assessment reduced from $8,735,000 to $1,450,000?  What evidence was submitted by Alan Spiniello to counter it?  Being Alan Spiniello works very closely with Joseph Marino, the developer of Main Street, could he or anyone else be objective in the matter?

Did Tony Luna lobby anyone in the borough hall for this massive tax refund?  Why did the mayor and council accept the judgment and not appeal?

Why wasn’t an agenda posted for the December 11, 2018 executive meeting where this should have been discussed?  Why are the executive meetings taking place at Caruso’s conference table upstairs in a small office instead of at a public venue?  Why did the mayor and council move their regular meeting from 7 PM to 5 PM and not post that notice on the borough website?  Why are they holding more and more public meetings at 5 PM when many people aren’t even home from work yet at that time?