Saturday, January 19, 2019

Repost from 10/13/13: A Click of a Button on the Tax Assessor’s Computer...

Lodi should be very concerned that its elected officials want George Reggo to withhold his “in house” transactions from the public.  A click of a button on the tax assessor’s computer can result in a large monetary transaction.  Records need to be kept.  Actions need to be checked.

George Reggo is the tax assessor for Hasbrouck Heights.  Tax records show that his daughter purchased a house there on 1/31/2008 for $380,000.  It was assessed at $387,400 at the time.  After the purchase, the assessment was reduced $14,400 to 373,000.  This new assessment was $7000 less than the sale price.

When the most recent reassessment in Hasbrouck Heights went into effect for 2012, this assessment was reduced to $275,600.  Zillow shows this property to be under assessed.  The current Zestimate is $307,873.  The most current tax record on-line for 2013 shows the property taxes at $7816.

Out of respect for privacy, the address for this property is not listed but here is some relevant information copied right from Zillow: