Thursday, January 31, 2019

"Lawsuit: School board and teachers union harassed, defamed Jersey City schools chief"

Link to article on

From the article:

“Lyles was hired in 2012 to oversee the 30,000-student district, replacing longtime schools chief Charles Epps. Her tenure has been rife with conflict with the teachers union, the Jersey City Education Association, which walked out on the job last year for the first time since 1998 because of a contract dispute. At a special board meeting last week, JCEA President Ron Greco told Lyles to “pack your bags.”

Greco is also named as a defendant. In a statement, he told The Jersey Journal he does not know what she hopes to accomplish by suing him and the JCEA.

“Clearly one’s expression of thought and freedom of speech is not acceptable to Marcia Lyles, which she has had her partner on the BOE reiterate numerous times at public meetings,” he said. "The voice of our parents and educators will not be silenced by a frivolous lawsuit.””

The teacher union has some double standard when it comes to freedom of speech.