Thursday, November 22, 2018

“I-Team: Sacco Family Ties Extend Deep in North Bergen as Hiring Questions Swirl”

Link to video:

Link to story from nbc I-Team:

From the story:

“"There is a pattern here that I think cries out for investigation," said former U.S. Attorney Chuck Rosenberg who is also and NBC News legal analyst.

"It is possible the mayor’s relatives and friends are superbly well qualified for these jobs. And it is also possible they are not, and that they are there for another reason," Rosenberg said.

Rosenberg added he believes that the FBI, IRS and U.S. Attorney along with state investigators should likely want to review how these dozens of jobs were awarded.”

The same expose` could be done for many Lodi families.

For years, people have drawn parallels between Nick Sacco in North Bergen and Joe Capizzi with Lodi.