Tuesday, October 18, 2016

With the rise in Lodi crime, Scorzetti should find more time for his $184,000 job and less for politics.


Scorzetti’s contract does not have a defined work day or work week.  It only states, “The Deputy Chief of Police shall spend sufficient time at his job to insure the smooth and responsible operation of the Police Department over which he has supervisory control.”

With the rise in Lodi crime, Mr. Scorzetti should find more time for his $184,000 job and less for politics.

Scheduling Conflicts

When former Chief Caruso was on the BOE, he missed a whole lot of meetings.  There already are more than enough BOE members that don’t show up.  The people of Lodi need to be represented by more than empty chairs (although many argue empty chairs do less harm than most on the current board).


I have never seen Mr. Scorzetti at any Board of Education meetings.  I have never read, heard, or seen anything educational from him.

The Mayor and Council gave him a $1,000 incentive to attain an Associate’s Degree and a $2,000 incentive to attain a Bachelor’s Degree so he does not hold any degrees in education.


Many residents have contacted me recently.  They feel intimidated by the two “Capizzi Cops” asking them to put up lawn signs (and they are asking everyone).  This creates an uncomfortable situation for all.

All out Political

Miller and Scorzetti aren’t running as independent candidates. Miller and Scorzetti are part of the most political, most unethical, most destructive organization Lodi has ever seen.

With all the money being spent by “Capizzi First”, this certainly isn’t a typical school election you would find in any other town (except maybe Garfield).

Why would police officers want to place themselves in that category?  Can’t they find better company to keep?


Both Miller and Scorzetti received promotions within the last year. 

Using politics to secure promotions is wrong.  Dedicated, hardworking, stand up employees are passed over because they choose not to lower themselves in the dirty game of Lodi politics.