Saturday, October 1, 2016

November 2015: background on the $7.5 million administration building.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

What do Joe Capizzi and Dominic Miller have in common?

During the last week of August (time of the the email below), Joe Capizzi and Dominic Miller spent a lot of time driving around in the black Lexus.  Were the two discussing the Lincoln school project? Or maybe they are just two old friends with so much in common, just hanging out.


Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Capizzi operates behind the public’s back…

I asked the following question tonight (in red):

You had a regular meeting on September 23rd.  There was no reason for you to call for a special meeting five days later just to move forward with your plans for a new building.  There was no urgency.  What reason can you possible give other than to hide your actions from the public? 

Joe Licata said the subject was too important to have at a regular meeting (where there were many people in attendance) so he had a special meeting (with nobody in attendance).

Nobody in Lodi would have known about the project if I hadn’t OPRA-ed the information.

Marc Capizzi knew about this project when he was hired- unfinished business from his father. 

The building is structurally sound and in good condition.  

There is a lot of money to made with a seven million dollar project.


Monday, November 23, 2015

Capizzi had his engineer’s report over a month before the BOE was updated.

This shows real urgency! The BOE must really be engaged.

July 10, 2015:

August 24, 2015: