Friday, October 14, 2016

“Why couldn’t you wait 30 days…?”

Licata sent a relative of his to my business tonight during our busiest time.  He held up posts about Licata moving to North Haledon.  He wanted them taken down.  He claimed the information was confidential even though it isn’t.

When he realized he wasn’t getting anywhere, he had a temper tantrum.  Between the temper tantrum, he said in the presence of many, “Why couldn’t you wait 30 days for it to be over, finalized?”

What is in 30 days?  The election is over. 

This was an orchestrated effort to conceal Joe Licata's move until after the election.

It doesn’t look good that the person that saddled Lodi with the $7.5 million administration building is so quick to flee Lodi before the demolition starts.

Once again, “Capizzi First” is playing the voters of Lodi for fools.

Don’t let them.  Vote for change!