Background: Every now and then someone from boro hall
will reach out to discuss an issue. They
tell me to feel free to ask questions.
When I ask questions, they retreat.
Instead of providing answers, they ask me to file OPRA requests. When I file OPRA requests, they don’t fulfill
them because they say they are working from home because of covid. When I
submit questions for public meetings, Alan Spiniello tells them not to answer
because an OPRA request has been submitted for the answers. After a month, they
tell me that they don't have any public records for my requests even though I have proof
the records exist and that they are in possession of them.
This scenario played out again this week. I was invited to send questions. I sent fair, relevant, clear, respectful questions. These questions should have been answered
before the sick day payout, not after.
None of my questions were answered.
I was told to file more OPRA requests knowing that this administration does
not fulfill them. Phil Murphy gave them
a tool to hide public records in the name of covid.
My questions are highlighted below:
From: rcurioni
Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2020 2:33 PM
To: Frank Belli <>
Cc: Vincent Caruso <>; Carole Damico <>
Subject: RE: April 15, 2020 Payroll
Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2020 2:33 PM
To: Frank Belli <>
Cc: Vincent Caruso <>; Carole Damico <>
Subject: RE: April 15, 2020 Payroll
Mr. Belli,
Thank you for reaching out to
state law changed in 2007, can you provide an agreement the borough had with
Anna Belli in 2007 that would pay her beyond $15,000 in the year 2020? If
so, was that agreement memorialized in any future contracts? How much has Anna
Belli been paid cumulatively with her December sick day sell backs? Was
her $25,146 based on a 2007 salary or salary at time of retirement? Can you
provide a breakdown?
Ryan Curioni