Friday, May 29, 2020

Lodi Should Have Anticipated this. It's time to act responsibly.

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The borough and BOE had plenty of time to find savings with so many town services fully or partially shut down.  It's their responsibility now to act responsibly instead of taking worse advantage of the Lodi taxpayers who are struggling now more than ever before.

The BOE budget is always padded and full of waste.   Giacobbe has become a new poster child for BOE waste and abuse over the past year.  Real nice "doctrine of necessity" resolution Giacobbe just drew up. You can really trust him with public funds.

Some board members want to pay Frank Quatrone hundreds of thousands of Lodi tax dollars in an illegal sick day payout.  Why? Because Quatrone made Michael Cardone a principal and hired Donald Scorzett's girlfriend as Scorzetti was voting on Quatrone's illegal contract.

Retired officers are still sitting in empty schools receiving full pay.  Other departments are receiving full pay while not working.

The boro and BOE always felt that they were exempt from the real world and from any shared sacrifices. It's time for them to change and act responsibly before they raise taxes during this depression like economic environment.