Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Maybe Murphy’s Education Commissioner Can Run Kean University like he ran Asbury Park or his Dysfunctional DOE...

As Lamont Repollet is set to receive a $365,000 salary at Kean University, you can look at his record in Asbury Park:

As Commissioner of Education, Lamont Repollet granted QSAC waivers and other waivers to districts like Lodi which meant less accountability and oversight from the DOE.

Repollet oversaw completely ineffective county superintendents like Joseph Zarra who admitted to signing off on Quatrone’s contract without reviewing the sick day payout. 

The department of education had one negative headline after another since the very start of the Murphy administration.

As Kean University is all over the news for its projected 15 million dollar deficit and likely cuts to academic programs and positions, Murphy’s education commissioner will be making $365,000.  That’s New Jersey politics.