Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Murphy/Grewal Sweetheart Deal for Joseph Licata: Licata’s “Reprimand” and “Settlement” was hidden from the public…

Link to the Licata “settlement” and “reprimand” that I saw tonight for the first time:

The most serious violation involving Joseph Licata and Jamie Ciofalo was covered up by the Murphy administration.  What Licata and Ciofalo did should have warranted a public corruption investigation by the state.  Instead, Licata got a slap on the wrist for a less serious charge where he voted on all of Frank Quatrone's bonuses and "merit" bonus goals (without invoking "doctrine of necsessity) while Licata's wife was a teacher working under Quatrone.

The School Ethics Commission embodies a bunch of hypocrites that once again contradicted themselves and swept public corruption under the rug.  Below is their very own notice where they found probable cause for the Licata violations:

Although I initiated the complaint and the SEC ruled in my favor throughout 2016, the settlement was never shared with me.  Someone from Teaneck tipped me off last Spring that the attorney general’s office under Gurbir Grewal settled with Licata (a sweetheart deal) because the attorney general’s cousin was added to the board of directors of the Lodi Boys and Girls Club where Joseph Licata is the director.  

I didn’t think this could possibly be true because a final decision was never made public.  I was told by a Deputy AG that I would be updated throughout.

I saw this settlement for the first time only a few minutes ago.  I  filed an OPRA request a few days ago.

Violations of the School Ethics Commission and Lamont Repollet: 

1) A final decision was NOT posted on the SEC website.

2) After the SEC found probable cause for two code violations, it made something disappear without providing any analysis. 

3) A settlement is not presented as an option by the SEC.

Katie Sobko never reported on the reprimand, probable cause notice and everything else.  She never reported on the blatant cover-up by the state either. 

The school ethics commission is a political arm of Governor Phil Murphy.  It has been weaponized to go after political opponents.  It has become a tool to cover up public corruption.

The SEC went against Frank Quatrone (hiring Scorzetti's girlfriend, etc.) only to call a special meeting shortly after and cover up its actions.  The SEC never found probable cause against me for my blog posts.  The SEC ruled in my favor for years.  Then it “suspended” me for my personal blog (where I expose corruption) after I was already off the board.

The SEC has no credibility.  It is a farce.  What it did for Joe Licata topped it all.

Past post on the seriousness of what Licata and Ciofalo had done: