Thursday, December 27, 2018

“JMP Holdings” is receiving a $216,765.15 tax refund from Lodi…

The Lodi taxpayers will pay the $216,765.15 refund for 2018.  The Lodi taxpayers will take on that additional tax burden moving forward.

Please notice the name Joseph Marino listed on the website for JMP holdings.  That is the same Joseph Marino that put Tony Luna on his payroll as soon as Luna retired as borough manager of Lodi. Joseph Marino has a contract with the current administration to develop Main Street. Please pay close attention these prior posts on the subject (3 links provided below):

The Lodi politicians will claim that this tax refund came from a County Board Judgment.  $210,000 part-time Alan Spiniello is supposed to defend the borough against tax appeals.  The County Board are a bunch of political hacks that do nothing but special favors for entrenched politicians and wealthy special interests.  For JMP to be awarded a $216,765.15 tax refund, you know that the Lodi politicians and Alan Spiniello gave their blessing. 

Furthermore, how can JMP’s land assessment be $0?  How can their assessment on Improvements drop from $8,735,000 to $1,450,000?

If any of the Lodi politicians have an explanation, please email it to me and I will gladly post it.