Friday, March 18, 2016

Tony Luna is receiving payments from the developer of Lodi's Main Street.

Crown Properties is developing Lodi’s Main Street.  Joseph Marino is listed as principal of that LLC.  Tony Luna is now working for Joseph Marino (doing who knows what).  Tony Luna is a not a developer.  He is not a contractor.  He is not an engineer.  He is not an architect.  He is not a tradesman.

But he is receiving payments from the person developing Lodi’s Main Street.  He wasted no time.  He is only retired for a couple of months.

Tony Luna must have treated this developer really well when he was Borough Manager. 

Washington D.C. has nothing on Lodi.  The old revolving door.  In Washington, the unethical congress members become lobbyists shortly after leaving office.  They are paid top dollar for nothing more than political connections and influence peddling.

Maybe Luna is a lobbyist.